Primary school – Osnovna šola Gornja Radgona

Osnovna šola Gornja Radgona, Slovenia, is the only primary school in a little town Gornja Radgona (cca. 3200 inhabitants) by the Austrian border (around 500 pupils from 6 -15). The school plays an active role in the local community by organizing various extracurricular activities and events and promotes environmental awareness, intercultural values and human rights. Our pupils take part in the School Children’s Parliament and in the Students’ Council where their class representatives can express their opinion of school politics and actively participate in decision making of school process. In year 2010 a local school for children with special needs and handicapped children moved into our school building. They have been integrated in our school life equally and the relationship among the children has largely improved in accepting differences.

(Skupno 1.504 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)